

Pedicure Segar Buatan Sendiri

Friday, 1 January 2010
Tak perlu mahal-mahal membersihkan kaki di salon dengan pedikur. Berikut tips yang diberikan oleh Donna Perillo, pemilik Sweet Lily Natural Nail Spa and Boutique asal New York City. Ia membeberkan cara membuat ‘ramuan’ penyegar dan pembersih kaki sendiri di rumah dengan menggunakan lemon, yang secara alami memiliki keasaman yang bisa membersihkan kulit mati.

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan :

¼ gelas gula kasar, seperti gula pasir yang tak mudah larut
¼ gelas minyak zaitun extra-light
3 tetes minyak lemon essential (pewangi)
1 ember sedang air hangat
1 gelas perasan lemon
2 butir lemon, iris

Cara pembuatan:
  • Campurkan gula, minyak zaitun, dan minyak esensial di dalam mangkuk, sisihkan.
  • Siapkan air hangat dalam ember, tambahkan perasan lemon, dan irisan lemon.
  • Rendam kaki selama 3 menit.
  • Angkat kaki dari air, jika dibutuhkan gunakan buffer atau batu apung untuk menghaluskan kulit yang kapalan.
  • Gosok kaki perlahan dengan campuran gula tadi. Konsentrasikan pada kutikula kering dan tumit.
  • Masukkan kembali kaki ke dalam air hangat untuk menghilangkan sisa gula, lalu bersihkan kaki dengan kain basah.
  • Keringkan dengan lap kering, berikan pelembap.
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    Stylish Cheap Glasses

    Monday, 28 December 2009

    Eyeglasses, besides its function to solve a vision problem, it also can help you to change your appearance to become more stylish. There are hundreds eyeglasses online store that provides many fashionable eyeglasses for us. One of them is I think this is the best site among them. I always buy eyeglasses from this site. Not just because the models of the eyeglasses they provide, but also because their prices. They provide cheap glasses but with the good quality and beautiful design.

    If you like semi rimless eyeglasses frames like I do, you can see Montevallo Metal Glasses I bought from them recently. Isn’t it beautiful? I bought the purple one. There are still so many styles you can choose in this site. Just read the ‘how to order’ page, it is really quick and simple way to buy eyeglasses online from them. For payment, accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover, Maestro and they also accept Paypal. Don’t bother seeking eyeglasses in other online store, is the best one.
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